How to increase penis thickness: exercises, extenders, surgery

This is not surprising, because a long, but thin penis does not give a woman a feeling of fullness. Increasing the thickness of the penis also helps a man obtain more vivid sensations and avoid the "pencil in the glass" effect. Thickening of the penis is considered a much more popular procedure than increasing its length, although it is performed more complexly.

Indications for the procedure

Sooner or later every man wonders how to increase the thickness of the penis. But in reality, such a procedure is required by a very small percentage of men. In other cases, penis thickening is exclusively the desire of the man himself.

There is a size standard that is considered normal. A normal penis is approximately 16 centimeters long and has a circumference of 8 centimeters. Errors are allowed both at the top and at the bottom. A micropenis is considered to be 8cm or less in length in the erect state. This dimension of manhood already requires intervention and correction.

miniature penis problem

Thickening the penis is usually more difficult than surgically changing the length. But at the moment there are several methods to increase the diameter of the penis. Their use will help to increase the volume of the penis, both at home and under the supervision of specialists.

Increasing the thickness of the penis is carried out using several methods. It is indicated for those men who have a small virility and want to understand how to increase the thickness of the penis. After all, it is known that with long-term self-satisfaction using small diameters, it is possible to make the penis smaller.

This means that there are ways to increase the thickness of the penis.

Ways to change thickness

There are several most popular methods to increase the width of the penis. Some of them require medical supervision, while others, on the contrary, are carried out independently at home. During surgery there are several basic procedures, the results of which can significantly increase the girth of the penis:

  • lipofilling;
  • muscle tissue transplant;
  • Operation Perovik;
  • ball system.

There are also several ways to increase the diameter of the penis without resorting to surgery:

  • massage;
  • lengthen the penis using an extender;
  • use of a vacuum pump;
  • use of tablets;
  • the use of various types of ointments and gels.

Using these techniques, you can choose the optimal method and increase the volume of the penis, as well as increase its sensitivity.

Surgical methods

Penis enlargement using surgical techniques is one of the riskiest but effective methods. With their help it is possible to increase the thickness of the penis and consolidate the resulting effect. The main disadvantages of surgical enlargement of the diameter of the penis:

surgical method of penis enlargement
  • long recovery period;
  • high risk of side effects;
  • a large number of analyzes before execution;
  • relatively more difficult to achieve.

We explain in more detail how to surgically increase the width of your penis. They differ in the material used, the technique used and the length of the recovery period. Such procedures are often covered in plastic surgery clinic videos.


A method to increase the thickness of the penis, which is based on the transplantation of your own adipose tissue. The tissue is collected from problem areas and distributed by injection under the skin of the penis. This method is convenient because it uses the body's reserves and therefore the probability of rejection with such an intervention is minimal.

internal structure of the penis

The penis thickening operation using lipofilling also has its disadvantages. Subcutaneous fat tends to dissolve spontaneously over time. The result is the appearance of tubercles and irregularities under the skin of the genital organ. In addition, after thickening, the penis is in a state of swelling for some time and therefore it is worth abstaining from sexual intercourse.

This intervention provides a minimum of scars and scars, and therefore is the most acceptable from an aesthetic point of view. Doctors prefer to show the result of penis thickening in a photo; From the photograph you can see that the size can increase up to 1. 5 centimeters in width.

Muscle tissue transplant

This technique helps to increase the width of the penis up to 3 centimeters. It differs from lipofilling in that it has a long recovery period and for 6-8 months after the operation a scar remains at the point where the transplanted material was taken.

This penis thickening surgery involves taking a strip of muscle tissue and wrapping it under the skin around the shaft of the penis. The effect of such an intervention lasts for life, which is why it compares favorably with lipofilling. At the same time, it is worth noting that preparation for this operation and the period of complete recovery takes up to a year.

The tissue is collected from the smooth muscles of the abdomen or the fibers of the axillary fascia are used. The increase in the diameter of the penis is achieved by "wrapping" these fibers around the corpora cavernosa. This operation has a long recovery period of up to 9 months.

The main inconvenience is caused by the scar where the muscle is taken from the patient; it persists for up to six months, after which it becomes invisible. The video of such an operation looks rather disturbing and therefore should not be watched by particularly impressionable people.

Perovik technique

Penis enlargement and thickening with the Perovik technique is the most difficult operation to perform. It involves dividing all the tissues of the penis and implanting sections of cartilaginous tissue between them. This method of thickening and lengthening the penis helps to correct its shape and add volume. The main disadvantage of using this technique is its complexity, which in case of complications can lead to the following changes:

  • loss of sensation;
  • lack of erection;
  • inflammation;
  • tissue rejection;
  • gangrene;
  • improper tissue fusion;
  • scar formation.

Also, one of the disadvantages is the long recovery period, which can last up to 12 months. If the operation is performed correctly and all the doctor's recommendations are followed, such an increase in the diameter of the penis will give a lasting result that will last a lifetime. Subsequently, if you look at the photo, the scars are completely invisible. It is better not to watch the video about thickening the penis with this technique for citizens with an unstable psyche.

Ball plant

One of the methods of increasing the diameter of the penis, which is gaining more and more popularity. The essence of the method is to implant special balls made of hypoallergenic material under the skin of the male genital organ. This procedure is performed not only by a surgeon, but also by a body modification specialist.

implants under the skin of the penis

The use of special balls helps to enlarge the penis in certain areas. This allows you to provide additional stimulation to your partner through compaction. It is worth noting that with this method you can only have sex in certain positions. Excessively prolonged sexual intercourse can cause irritation and injury to the penile tissues.

Non-surgical methods

Increasing the volume of the penis with non-surgical methods helps to change the size of the manhood without harm to health. The use of these methods allows you to use the products independently at home, without medical supervision and without being tied to a specific place.

Massage and exercise

Performing a massage helps increase the girth of the penis by stimulating blood flow to the penis. The result of this massage is the strengthening of the erection and the stretching of the corpora cavernosa. As the size of the cavernous bodies increases, the volume of blood that fills the penis during erection increases, causing the variation in size.

The drawback of massage and exercise is that the organ can be easily injured. The massage must be performed daily for a certain time. Such exercises to increase the thickness of the penis help to achieve sustainable results with minimal harm to health.


Wearing an extender helps to increase the width of the penis and achieve elongation. The effect is achieved as a result of constant stretching of the tissues of the penis, which leads to their growth and, consequently, a change in volume.

penis enlargement extender

Wearing an extender helps to increase the girth of the penis for a long time and without any interference with the normal functioning of the organ. Among the disadvantages of this method are long periods of use before results appear.

Vacuum pump

A vacuum pump is another method of stimulating penis growth and enlargement, which uses the principle of alternating pressure. When the penis is inserted into the flask, a negative pressure is created inside it. This leads to the stimulation of blood flow in the penis. Thanks to the stimulation of circulation, it improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which helps prevent the formation of congestion.

penis enlargement pump

A penis enlargement pump is prescribed in the following situations:

  • insufficient sensations during sex;
  • weak erection;
  • blood stagnation in the genital and pelvic area.

With regular use of a vacuum pump you can achieve good results. A particularly pronounced effect is achieved by combining the pump with the action of ointments and gels.

Ointments and creams

Penis thickening ointments help increase blood flow to the application area. They have a local irritating effect, and the effect of their use is noticeable immediately after use. The use of ointments and gels to enlarge the penis helps to achieve more intense sensations during sexual intercourse and make the erection stronger.

creams and ointments for penis enlargement

Ointments and creams may contain a hormonal component, therefore it is advisable to consult a doctor before using them. It is also worth noting that buyers of such products may become victims of counterfeits. Therefore, when purchasing, it is important to check the integrity of the packaging and the correct spelling of the names.

Hormone pills

Hormonal preparations contain large amounts of testosterone, which stimulates penis growth. But its use must be under constant control to avoid side effects.

Choosing a method to increase the volume of the male genital organ is not an easy task. Every man can choose a product according to his desire and capabilities. The use of such means gives you the opportunity to be proud of the size of your penis.

All about penis thickening. 5 Best Methods to Make Your Penis Big

Many men are interested in answering the question of how to increase the thickness of the penis and whether it is possible to do it. Now this is feasible, and for this you can invest some money by performing an operation, or limit yourself to small expenses on special devices or substances. Or you can avoid financial losses altogether by achieving weight gain at home with the help of exercises.

It is possible to increase the thickness of the penis

The question of increasing the thickness of the penis has been discussed several times and has received numerous answers confirmed in practice.

Potential result

In questions about penis thickening it is important what results can be achieved. The results are quite varied and directly depend on the initial size and the methods chosen to change the desired penis parameters. However, speaking of averages, the maximum thickening is possible up to 3 cm.

5 better ways

It is worth discussing each of the options in more detail. To understand which is more profitable and convenient for a man.


In modern times, there are many devices for thickening the male penis. And one of the very popular and quick options are accessories for thickening and lengthening the penis. This product does not give permanent results and is used directly during sexual intercourse, but quickly and easily corrects the thickness of the penis.


Considering the numerous disagreements in discussions among men, penis thickening surgery is the most effective option and will always give a decent result.

There are several surgical options:

  • Lipofilling;
  • Ligamentotomy;
  • Muscle tissue transplant;
  • Possibility of surgical intervention using the "Perovik" technique;
  • Inserting the balls into the penis.

water pump

With the help of a vacuum pump, a man can achieve penis thickening at home without much expense or effort. The mechanism of action of the pump is to create a vacuum around the penis. It increases blood flow to the corpora cavernosa and promotes their expansion. This gives the result in the form of an increase in diameter and length. The result will be short-term and it is better to use the pump immediately before sexual intercourse.


When talking about how to increase the thickness of the penis at home, one should not forget about the exercises. Among them, the first place will be jelqing, which is the simplest to perform.

Ointments, gels and sprays

Using creams, gels, ointments or sprays is a fairly effective option for thickening the penis, but decent results are achieved only when these products are used together with other methods.

Now there are many drugs to change the diameter of the penis, they are divided according to the duration of action into:

  • Short-term, which are mainly used immediately before sexual intercourse;
  • Long-term, the use of which must be repeated regularly;
  • Auxiliaries, aim to improve the quality of sex.

Characteristics of the methods

A nozzle for thickening the penis, the first listed among the options for changing the diameter of the manhood.

It is simply applied to the penis before sexual intercourse and removed after ejaculation. Lipofilling, presented first in the list of procedures, is the transplantation of a man's adipose tissue into his penis. In this case, the necessary material is taken from the problem areas of the patient's body and then injected subcutaneously into the penis, thus achieving uniform thickening.

The advantage of this procedure is the minimal probability of rejection of the injected tissue. Muscle tissue transplant is used to thicken the penis within 3 cm. A section of fibers is taken from the smooth muscles of the axillary fascia press and will be wrapped around the corpora cavernosa under the skin during the operation.

This result will remain with the man forever, but will require patience due to the long recovery period, which lasts up to a year.

Manual and hardware techniques

A specialist will tell you how to increase the parameters of the reproductive organ. He will recommend safe ways to correct the thickness of the penis at home, which give good results. It is possible to increase the thickness of the penis through regular massage and the use of auxiliary devices.

The effectiveness of manual techniques in changing the size of the penis has been repeatedly demonstrated. Their only disadvantage is that massages do not give quick results. Men need to be patient and wait for their penis size to start growing. Men can achieve positive results with the following exercises:

  • Yuli. This involves gradual compression of the penis, which is in a semi-erect state. In this case, you need to use OK capture. The penis is fixed for 15 seconds in one position. Next you need to move your fingers slightly and repeat this action. Similar manipulations are performed along the entire length of the penis.
  • Jelqing. The exercise allows you to pump blood by moving the OK grip of the genital organ. The movements are made from the base of the penis to the position of the head. It is recommended to perform manipulations with both hands. Pressure on the organ should be alternated.
  • Locking. The exercise requires maintaining pressure on the penis by compressing the shaft using forceps.

The training effect will increase if a man simultaneously uses auxiliary devices. Erection extenders and pumps can increase the thickness of the reproductive organ.

Non-surgical methods

Non-surgical correction methods are also useful for men who want to make their penis thicker. They are considered safer than surgery. Another advantage of the methods is the availability of their implementation at home.

Massage and exercise

The easiest way to increase the thickness of a man's penis is through regular training and massage. It is worth considering each option separately. During exercises it is recommended to use a special lubricant.

The massage is performed with circular movements on the genitals with your hands. You need to move from the base of the penis to the tip of the head. As with exercises, before performing any manipulations, you need to apply lubricant to the penis.


Men can find on sale special devices that can increase the thickness of the reproductive organ. If you use the extender strictly following the instructions, it increases the volume of the penis without causing damage.

The extender is used as follows:

  • It is necessary to securely fix the penis in the auxiliary device.
  • Using the device, you need to stretch the reproductive organ well.
  • The penis should be left in this state for a certain period of time so that its tissues have time to stretch sufficiently.

These actions must be performed daily, each time increasing the load. This method allows you to adjust the size of the penis, which is then preserved for the rest of your life. This is the main advantage of the non-surgical method.

Vacuum pump

Men use a vacuum pump as a substitute for an extender. The device provides a temporary effect of changing the thickness of the reproductive organ. At the same time, it allows you to safely and painlessly increase it at the right time. Penis enlargement using a pump occurs due to a powerful increase in blood flow due to the appearance of low atmospheric pressure around it.

Ointments and creams

Many men who want to know how to increase the diameter of their penis prefer to use special creams and ointments to achieve their goal. Such products can increase blood circulation in the area of intimate organs. Because of this, its size changes upwards. Furthermore, topical cosmetic products have a positive effect on male potency and erection.

Most ointments and creams contain hormonal components. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you consult a specialist about this before using them.

Hormone pills

Systemic hormone preparations contain testosterone, which has a positive effect on the development and growth of the penis in men. Its use is carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the patient to avoid the development of side effects.

Vacuum pump

It is necessary to choose a pump with a wide balloon, which allows the penis to swell during training. A vacuum pump is a cylinder with a pump that pumps air from a balloon intended to house the software. The device works according to the laws of the pressure difference formed by the airless space.

The vacuum technology is as follows:

  • The air is removed from the cylinder, the pressure decreases and suction begins.
  • The blood flow becomes intense, its flow in the corpora cavernosa becomes powerful.
  • Negative pressure affects the tissues of the penis, increasing its volume.
  • The result is an elongation and thickening of the phallus.

With regular training, the increase in thickness is between one and a half and two centimeters. Pumping Mode: Up to three times a day, one set equals 15 minutes.

Jelqing with ointments

Jelqing should be done according to the descriptions of experienced noopers. They share their experience and recommend performing manipulations in the following sequence:

  • pinch the reproductive organ between the thumb and forefinger;
  • grasp the penis firmly, but without pain;
  • start moving from the pubis to the head;
  • gradually accelerate the pace.

In one set you need to perform at least 100 milking-like movements. The duration of the training is 15 minutes. When carrying out manipulations, it is recommended to use creams and lubricants.

Injection of your own adipose tissue

The swelling of the penis with a lipid mass taken from other parts of the body is lipofilling, which is carried out under general anesthesia. Auto fat is pumped out from areas where its presence spoils the figure. Localization of lipid tissue sampling - on the buttocks, abdomen, thighs.

Next, the resulting mass is injected under the skin of the penis. The rehabilitation period after surgery lasts 30 days. During this period the patient abstains from sexual intercourse.

Dangerous and not recommended methods

To achieve the goal of increasing the diameter of the phallus, not all means are good. Medical warnings regarding certain procedures should be taken into account.


The existing opinion on the possibility of achieving volumetric changes in the parameters of the reproductive organ with petroleum jelly meets opposition from doctors. The ointment is produced during oil refining, so it is dangerous and biologically incompatible.

Vaseline fillers give a widening effect, but the results are disastrous:

  • Sexual infections develop.
  • Ulcerative and granulomatous formations appear.
  • Increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Signs of damage to the corpora cavernosa appear.

The most dangerous complications are the development of squamous cell carcinoma and Fournier's gangrene.


Synthol is a synthetic drug used to envelop muscles and give them visual volume. The introduction of fillers containing this substance leads to swelling and inflammatory processes. The combination of artificial oils in injections is dangerous for health because they are poorly absorbed.

Rapid growth of the penis after the non-professional injection procedure of synthol ends with disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and blood circulation systems. If the drug enters a vein or artery, a stroke and myocardial infarction develop.

An example of a work-at-home exercise program

The effective training mode for width includes several procedures:

  • Testicular massage, which lasts at least 5-6 minutes.
  • Warm up with a warm wet towel - up to 10-12 minutes.
  • Jelq - at least 100 movements.
  • Bend the trunk in an upright position and sit on it in a semi-erect state - 10 minutes each.
  • Pumping.

For the final procedure, a wide flask is needed, it is necessary to perform three sets per session with a gradual increase in loads. Between sets the push is shown, up to 15 times. If pain appears in the abdominal region, training is stopped or the load level is reduced. Completion: lubricate the organ with ointments against bruises.

What circumference width can you expect?

The specified training program will give more two cm in diameter if performed regularly. All the above methods lead to the same results. It makes no sense to believe that safe methods can increase the thickness of the phallus by 5 or more centimeters.


If you are not satisfied with the size of your penis, adjust the parameters using expert advice. Do not put your health at risk by injecting synthetic substances and foreign bodies subcutaneously. A big and thick penis is the result of constant training, remember this and prepare for long-term correction sessions.